Wednesday, May 5, 2010

welcome to the bedroom - pt 2

Here we are with the rest of my um, lively bedroom.

Having all this stuff out in the open was my short-term solution to the tiny closet when I first moved in here and as much as I would love to make my room look like this ...

I actually really enjoy waking up in the morning and figuring out what to wear while lying in bed - and did you see the price tag?

(Josephine Baker is my inspiration in all things - Marcel is just a small leopard)

This is a rental and I'm not sure how long I'm going to be here, so while I'm willing to contemplate a craig's list dresser to replace that shelf and hanging my hats above the racks, I can't see investing a whole lot in here.

(another bare bulb in a wierd spot that I don't know what to do about)

This is the "work" side of the closet. I currently have a straight job where I have to dress like a professional lady. So I try to dress like a professional lady from the 40's or 50's as much as possible with the skirts on the other side - to be clear, this was my schtick long before Mad Men.

(I swear I wear all of these shoes)

And here we have cat's corner. In swing dancing speak that's where all the cool dancers hang out, but this, of course, is Marcel's spot. I realize this is not great "decor", but it's his house too.

(your eyes do not deceive you, this wall is a different colour, no I did not paint it)

There was a time when he could jump on top of that radiator no problem, but Marcel is 15 so he doesn't quite have it in him anymore. The chair helps him climb up to his scratching post, and he is very fond of staring out the window. Sometimes he even goes out for a while.

(I've actually had this dresser for more than 30 years)

And here is the miniature closet and its contents.

I actually wore the purple crinoline all day on Saturday, just for fun. It made so many people smile! Ok, so maybe there is a prom dress or two in there that I will never wear again, but for the most part I use this stuff. Gift wrap, sewing machine, feather boas, and winter clothes all hide themselves away in here.

More jewelery I made & my best friend on her wedding day 10 years ago.

I guess the truth is although I like to decorate my house, I like to decorate myself more - is that so wrong?

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